Q&A Nov 30, 2023

Meet our Data Solutions Team: A Q&A with Melanie Harrison

Shaping growth and solutions for federal civilian agencies at Jacobs

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Meet Melanie Harrison, the strategy director for federal civilian agencies at Jacobs, who’s spearheading critical functions like business development, sales, marketing, capture management and proposal support.

梅兰妮的职业生涯以推动变革计划和简化复杂系统为标志. 她在信息技术解决方案方面的专业知识和广泛的业务开发背景增强了她为客户提供最相关和最领先能力的能力.

Melanie是土生土长的华盛顿人,她的整个职业生涯都在与技术领域的许多联邦和商业客户建立和发展值得信赖的合作伙伴关系.  她享受许多文化和积极的机会来平衡她的工作和个人家庭生活.

Melanie shares insights into her role and experiences at Jacobs in this Q&A:

Can you tell us how the work you do is helping deliver data solutions for our clients?

Since joining Jacobs, 我有幸支持我们联邦民用部门团队的增长和销售工作. 我们的重点是提供创新的解决方案,使客户数据有用、相关和安全. Collaborating closely with customers, we automate processes, uncover valuable insights and find cost efficiencies that benefit both missions and taxpayers.

Can you tell us about a project you’ve participated in that you’re especially proud of?
Reflecting on my career, 互联网早期的一个突出项目涉及简化互联网域名注册的发票系统. 管理这项工作的承包商正在努力应对所有新订户涌入所产生的大量数据. 我领导的销售团队带来了技术解决方案,以整合数据并简化将更新的数百万个域名的发票系统. 这一举措不仅降低了成本,而且是推动世界发生重大变化的重要一环. Now, 我急切地想知道雅各布斯在网络技术方面的创新如何产生同样深远的影响.

In growth and sales, success is measured by wins. Each win represents a trusted partner relationship, deep customer understanding, effective communication of company value and surpassing the competition. Every win is a testament to exceeding customer expectations.

What do you see as the top benefits that data solutions can provide to clients?
In the federal civilian space, data solutions are integral to mission success. Jacobs, with its global experience, brings the insights needed to tackle diverse challenges. From analytics and interoperability to privacy and security, our teams work to help customers uncover insights that solve seemingly impossible challenges.

What is some of the best career advice you’ve ever received?
在我职业生涯的早期,一位导师向我灌输了正直、责任感和个人勇气等价值观. These ideals have been the foundation of my successes in business and life.

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